Monday, January 14, 2008

The first shaky steps

We aren't officially engaged. Not yet.

Alex brought a ring to me in November, saying that was the ring he wanted to base my engagement ring design on. It wasn't a proposal - and it was secret for a long time. Technically - it still is. Only, he acquiesced to let me tell my Mother, my maid of honor, Sarah, and he told his brother and our friend Josh. And aside from the people who are already working on this wedding - no one else knows.

This is hard for me because I want to shout it from the rooftops that after 5 years together, we're finally doing this! YAY!!!!!!!

But we have a sort of unspoken agreement that we won't tell everyone until the ring is on my finger. And it's been nearly 2 months in the design process. We have our diamond - and the design is in its final stages at this point. But it will be at least 2 more weeks before the word can be officially spread.

TWO MORE WEEKS! Maybe three!

I've had to specifically avoid certain people for fear that I would spill the beans.

Despite all of my bitching, though - I'm glad we're waiting for the ring. I don't think the news would be as well received with an awkward "the ring is still being designed" tied to the end of it.

Maybe it's my imagination.

In any case - although we are not yet officially engaged - we have made our first steps toward planning this wedding. Already, it has a life of its own. It has a pulse and a brain, and worst of all, an insatiable appetite for MONEY! All the bridal books say - "Make a budget, and stick to it - NO MATTER WHAT!" I have resolved to do just that.

I'm going to stick to this budget like white on rice. I will not be bested by this wedding juggernaut!!

We've got less than a year to go, and between this, work, and school - I would imagine there will be SEVERAL stressed-out melt-downs to come.

Stay tuned, kids...


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