Sunday, April 20, 2008

It was all very Donald Trump, if you ask me...

Or, not really.

It was more like a train wreck.

We fired our ring designer on Friday evening. More accurately, we attempted to fire our ring designer on Friday evening. He would not be fired. I know this sounds ridiculous, but it was how it went down.

I called him, and told him he should just give our diamonds and gold to Rick or my Mom, and that we were going to take them someplace else. His reaction was anything but professional. It ranged from self-righteous indignation to him accusing me of being unrealistic to him saying he was "closed for the weekend" and that it would take longer for us to "get lawyers and police involved than for him to just finish the ring".

It boils down to this. He yelled at me. He told me that he treated me like family, and that he couldn't believe I had so little faith in him. My response was that we started this process in November, and that every time he gives us a date for something to be completed, when that date comes, he pushes it back a week.

Because he yelled at me, I am done. I will not speak to him on the phone again. If it is ever necessary for he and I to communicate, it will be done in writing. Marmee to the rescue. She is going to be the one to do the talking with him from here out. I don't want Alex to do it, because I honestly think this guy will purposely try to provoke Alex into a fight. So - Mom is going to get either a finished product, or all of the components by this coming Wednesday.

What we've decided is that we're just going to take the diamond and have it set in a plain solitaire for now. When we can afford to, we'll go through a new design process with a different designer. For now - we just want our diamond back, and we want it to be on my finger where it belongs.

I can't tell you how awkward it is to say, "my fiance..." and then people look immediately at my finger. Then, I have to explain at least part of the whole bitter story.

Suffice it to say, Alex and I aren't planning on using any more family friends for anything. Wedding or otherwise. The reason? If something is unsatisfactory - we need to be able to NOT worry about the relationship, and just worry about getting what we have paid for.

This ring thing has been a NIGHTMARE just almost start to finish. We both hope that this was our huge obstacle - and the rest of the wedding planning will go smoothly. :) We can dream, can't we??


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