Sunday, June 1, 2008


We booked a DJ.

We wanted to go with the company for which I worked during the end of high school and beginning of college, but unfortunately, I would never get them to return my phone calls or emails. So we went with a competitor.

It's going to be great! This company charges less and offers more. I'm thinking the reception is going to be the can't miss party of the season. (At least - for Alex and me!)

I have an appointment with a potential florist on Wednesday this week. I'm a little scared about how much flowers might end up costing me. Especially since they are an item that I care less about than so many other details. (This is obvious, of course, because I've left them till almost last to deal with)

Today and tomorrow my hope is to sit down, and work the numbers. I want to know how much of our budget is left over, and just how scary this whole thing has gotten. We're very close to 100% planned and deposited - so I'm hoping there's enough left to stretch the last 3-5%.

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